The 10 best-selling books in 2021

It seems that they like the rankings a lot, so we tried to create one too: data in hand, we have compiled a list of the best-selling volumes by Edizioni NPE (novels excluded) in the last year among bookstores, comic books, online and fairs.

Here is the list of the ten best sellers of 2021:

1. Infocomics

In first place, a volume that has literally driven young and adults crazy: Infocomics, a collection of over one hundred colorful infographics on the origins, history and curiosities of the most famous comic and animation characters.

2. Vampires – Where to find them

An authentic illustrated manual for travelers in love with the myth of the vampire. Maps, recipes and travel stories in which history is intertwined with myth, without forgetting the fundamental indications of every guide: where to sleep, what to eat and, above all, how to survive.

3. The origins of comics

An unmissable essay on the evolution of visual art. Starting from the humorous illustrations of the eighteenth century, from stylized men and image novels, passing through the evolution of printing and the advent of audiovisual technologies, Thierry Smolderen outlines the historical path that led to the twentieth century comics.

4. Edward Scissorhands – A few years later

The official sequel to the famous Tim Burton film starring Johnny Depp. Many years have passed, but Edward has not aged. One day, he discovers that his inventor had another unfinished project. He will be the one to complete it by creating, in spite of him, a new evil creature that will scare the inhabitants of the city.

5. Lovecraft’s places

A guide through the remotest corners of the Lovecraftian imagination told during his boundless editorial production, from the beginning through the stories of the Necronomicon to the myths of Cthulhu. A richly illustrated volume, complete with maps, recipes and useful advice for tackling a journey to the places of the writer in Providence.

6. Dune – Among the sands of myth

A wide-ranging analysis of Frank Herbert’s work, Dune, the absolute science fiction best seller that revolutionized the genre and influenced numerous media, from music to cinema, from literature to art. To analyze this extraordinary phenomenon, the long and meticulous research work conducted by Filippo Rossi.

7. Except Mickey

The essay that highlighted the struggle between fascism and comics. An in-depth look behind the scenes on the advent of American comics in our country, on the collective euphoria for the great adventure heroes and on the violent reaction that this aroused among educators and in the fascist regime, culminating with the 1938 prohibitions which saved I ban only the work of Walt Disney.

8. Nightmares

The unknown and cosmic horror of the pages of H. P. Lovecraft translated by the evocative style of Michele Penco. Four original stories inspired by the tales of Providence loner, take the reader on a journey to the edge of dreams.

9. Coraline

The cartoon of the famous work by Neil Gaiman from which the homonymous film was based. The protagonist struggles with the madness of the seemingly wonderful new world to find her parents and understand the value of her own life.

10. The Laughing Man

The comic adaptation of the novel by Victor Hugo which inspired the figure of the Joker closes the ranking. An orphan with a noble soul earns a living by staging his own suffering. His face is disfigured by a mutilation suffered in the first years of his life, which forces him to wear a mask of eternal laughter. A bottle returned from the sea will shed light on his origins and the contradictions of a corrupt society.