Born in Florence in 1971, author, layout artist and copywriter.
In addition to a series of commissioned publications made for various publishers (Giunti, Ilisso, Il Foglio letterario, Ouverture), he has so far published two novels, L’ultima tournée di Sally O’Hara (, Florence) and Calico Blues (Nativi Digitali Editore, Bologna).
A history graduate, passionate in particular about music, comics and horror fiction, in 2011 he created La Guida del fantaturista, a reading education workshop on the theme of imaginary places in literature in collaboration with the Bookmakers Association of Florence, the first embryo of the idea from which I luoghi di Lovecraft was born.
He has also collaborated with the “Il Caffè degli Zeri” Association of Florence for the textual part of the exhibition Dissolvenza in nero, centered on the work of Kazimir Malevic and, with the “47 Rosso di Firenze” Association, on the exhibition Le visibili città invisibili, dedicated to Italo Calvino.
Still on the theme of imaginary journeys, Poe is expected to be released in Venice in 2019, for the types of Nardini Editore of Florence. He currently works as a copywriter on behalf of various Italian companies

Books in order of release