Ivo Milazzo

He took up the profession of image author in 1971 and from 1974 created with Giancarlo Berardi Tiki, Ken Parker, Welcome to Springville, L’uomo delle Filipino, Marvin, Tom’s Bar, Giuli Bai and short stories collected in the volumes Fantasticheria and Luci e ombre. After the long association with Berardi, for the annual series of Tex he creates Sangue sul Colorado on texts by Claudio Nizzi – of which he had previously defined the graphic figure of the character Nick Raider in two episodes – and some stories of Magico Vento (texts by G Manfredi).

From 1998 to 2010 he taught comics techniques and image reading at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara. Il Boia Rosso, for Les Humanoïdes Associés, is from 2004 together with the screenwriter Francesco Artibani, while the volume Baden-Powell, the great adventure (texts by Paolo Fizzarotti) comes out in 2007, produced by Lizard Edizioni. In the same year, for the bicentenary of the birth of the Hero of the Two Worlds, the Farnesina commissioned him the volume Garibaldi (Lizard Edizioni) in which he involved the major Italian illustrators. In the same year he illustrates the Christian and human activity of Don Benzi in 15 watercolors, fixed as frescoes on the walls of the Parish in Rimini by the client Ing. G. Ferri.

He creates the graphic-novel Uomo Faber (texts by Fabrizio Calzia), dedicated to Fabrizio De André, which DeAgostini and the newspaper La Repubblica publish in 2010. A year later, for Periodici San Paolo, he realizes with Artibani the volume Storie d’Italia for the 150 years of the unification of Italy with episodes also drawn by Toppi, Ambrosini, Frisenda, Cavazzano and Nizzoli. In recent years he has collaborated on a volume of the series Des Dieux et des Hommes on texts by J.P. Dionnet (Dargaud) and an American Vampire Anthology story with texts by Rafael Albuquerque (DC Comics).

The graphic novel Un drago a forma di nuvola from a subject by the well-known director Ettore Scola (Bao Publishing) dates back to June 2014 and in April 2015 Fin dove arriva il mattino, the final episode of the Ken Parker saga, published by Mondadori Comics.

Supported by colleagues, associations, politicians and intellectuals, Ivo Milazzo has been the promoter in Parliament since 2000 of an integration to the Copyright Law nr.633/41 concerning Animation Cinema and Comics to recognize the right holders of specific creativity, also according to the European Directives.

From 2011 to 2018 he held the role of President of the Illustrators Association, which evolved in January 2014 into the “Image Authors Association” to also be referential to Comics and Animation.

Starting from Lucca 2017 with Uomo Faber Edizioni NPE proposes its production in elegant volumes, enriched by new covers and illustrations.

In May 2018 Milazzo wrote the essay L’emozione delle immagini (Edizioni NPE) as a viaticum to better understand their intrinsic meaning, aimed both at those who use images professionally and at those who suffer their media effects in a daily way – in a positive way or negative – not knowing the reading codes. The further purpose of the book is to be an invitation to all readers to undertake a personal research journey to discover how their emotions interact with individual ones in the various meanings and in the continuous stimulation of unconscious reactions.

Books in order of release