Franco Caprioli

Franco Caprioli (Mompeo, 1912 – Rome, 1974) was a scrupulous creator of comic stories set in exotic places and in various historical periods since his youth, signaling himself as a great master of sequential art. He collaborated with various newspapers, however making his debut on the pages of the weekly Il Vittorioso until 1964, then moving on to illustrating notable transpositions of classics in comics for Il Giornalino.
Equipped with a graphic style with a clean, linear, meticulous stroke and shading with dense dots, he acquired the reputation of «poet of the sea» among readers, thanks to the frequent setting of many of his stories. However, his figuratively cultured personality, testified by the many dozens of images that counterpoint the ponderous scientific-popular work Viaggio attraverso la preistoria, both rigorously documentary and aesthetically fascinating; ; or the painstaking essay all about him La storia della navigazione. Works by him are also published in Great Britain, France and Germany.

Books in order of release