Genoese, born in 1949, he began working in the world of comics at a very young age.
Tiki, his first series created together with Ivo Milazzo dates back to 1976.
In 1977, however, he gave life to Ken Parker, his most famous character, translated into thirteen countries around the world. Also from 1977 is Welcome to Springville, with maestro Renzo Calegari; The Man of the Philippines for the Bonelli series “Un uomo un’avventura” ” and the stories of detective Marvin for the magazine «Orient Express».
One of the founders of Parker Editore in 1989, since October 1996 he has been the author and editor of Julia, a highly successful SBE series still in progress.
Among the numerous prizes awarded to him, the Yellow Kid, the Oesterheld Prize, the Haxtur and the Internacional Barcelona de Comics Prize.

Books in order of release